I have run into some problems encoding Mission: Impossiple. It is only 1 hour and 45 minutes, so i thought it would make an excellent 1 CD rip. I am using the Gordian Knot package and DivX 5 pro and followed the guide here on Doom9.org. I used 128 kbit/s MP3 audio and 740 kbit/s video, which should make for quite good quality. But the quality of the movie was low. When i checked the compression it said 43%, which is much lower than what i usually do. But when going two CDs the compression tests says 83%, which would be wasting CDs, don't you think? I can't believe Mission: Impossible can't fit on one CD. Am i doing something wrong here? I thought a bitrate of 740 kbit/s would produce pretty good quality. Should i try a one CD rip again? Or go two CDs with AC3? Any help is greatly appreciated!