I've had exactly the same experience - rendering a single track of audio takes a ridiculously long time. And it's NOT just because it's rendering a lot of silence. If I delete ALL other tracks EXCEPT the one I want to render, it performs the function so much faster. So it does seem that Reaper does infact go through the process of rendering all tracks in a project, even if at the end of it it only renders the one. ...on a similiar note (which may be related), when I hit serious latency problems, I try to solo the tracks I want to listen to. It makes no difference - I still get the same latency problems, even if the tracks are audio (not midi) and use no effects (Muting all others on the other hand works fine, but this is not always convenient). This suggests to me that Reaper goes through the motions of playing all audio tracks, before soloing the isolated track at the last moment - by which time it's already overburdened the CPU with things you didn't want it to do in the first place! ...and the user manual has the gall to give a list of things to 'switch off' in Windows to improve performance! Sorry - my first post here, and it's a moan! But otherwise, I'm having a hugely enjoyable time using Reaper!