midi confusion » Wypoczynek a kreatywność » Forum

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Dzisiaj: 31.03.2025 - 17:50:02
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midi confusion





Wiadomości: 55
Rejestracja: 23 kwie 2007, 16:36

...and before i give up,my hardware setup is very simple.4 synth + midisport 2x4 and within cubase everything goes thru via my controller. in Reaper,maybe is it just me but this seems a nightmare to get the same setup to work and before buying i want to make things clear with it. I think i finally found how to get all my synth responding to their own channels. I put every midi track-in to ''All ch.''and the outs to their respective channels then i get total ''Thrue'' for all my synth via my controller.For each thack i opened ''show midi track control''then via the ''fx''on the track i get access to volume,pan etc.for each midi track. The problem i have with that is if i set a volume via midi track control when i restart the song from the beginning,it resets my Keyboard volume to +- 128....How can i fix this?? I'm a long time midi ''freak'' ;)Maybe Reaper is too much audio orientated for me. Thank's all for your help

Wiadomość # 1 13.12.23 - 15:46:22
RE: midi confusion



Wiadomości: 82
Rejestracja: 26 wrz 2014, 15:51

I'm glad that you're getting things sorted out. It sounds as though some sort of reset message is being processed at the start of tracks. Perhaps you could compress a simple problem project file (no samples needed) into a ZIP file and post it here as an attachment so we can have a look at it and see what's (not) happening? In XP, right-click the project file, select Send To ... compressed (Zipped) folder). drag any other required media files into the ZIP file, when you reply, scroll down a bit, open the "Additional Options" section if needed by clicking the double downwards arrows, click on [Manage Attachments], browse to your ZIP file, select and Upload it.

prawo jazdy warszawa
Wiadomość # 2 13.12.23 - 15:49:54
RE: midi confusion



Wiadomości: 62
Rejestracja: 16 mar 2019, 18:29

I have no hardware synths, but maybe it's this: It's ticked here by default, so go to Options/Preferences/Midi devices and se if unticking helps.

Wiadomość # 3 13.12.23 - 15:53:36
RE: midi confusion
How to move subtitles on the very bottom : Poprzedni tematNastępny temat: New "producing" filters: noise generators
Strony:  1  

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