hey I'm trying to decide whether or not to buy a DVD player with VCD/SVCD to play my movies that I copy but I don't know what the quality is like compared to that of DivX 5.02. So inorder to try this I want to know what the majority is on the best VCD/SVCD package that doom9 has. So if you ppl could let me know that'd be awesome. and does nero support svcd or is it just vcd??!! thanks
but what's the point in buying a dvd burning when the price for a dvd-r cd is the same price as the actual movie?? I mean I would consider a dvd burner but I would be saving myself 500 dollars just on the burner when the dvd's are the same price are they not? ????
so your telling me that I can buy a dvd burner regardless of cost and buy dvd-r's for around a dollar and can do a 1:1 conversion? K if this is true I will never be encoding again!
I hate all those extra's and stuff that come with DVD's I personally think they're a waste of space but each to there own. But if I took off all extras, menu etc, I could get a dvd onto a dvd-r with the same quality picture...?? k now that we've got that cleared up here's what else I need to ask then... who makes the best dvd player dvd burner and where I can find those cheap dvd-r's as the cheapest ones I found were 10 bucks which isn't that bad but... hope you can get back to me soon and price doesn't really matter but I'm not looking for extra's on the dvd player that the common person wouldn't use just something that looks nice and does the job for doing (S)VCD's, DVD-R's, DVD's, MP3's etc. thanks again guys.
The largest dvd-r/w media you can buy is 4.7 gigs. Any single sided/single layer disk will fit on this so in this case you can do a 1:1 copy, minus the encryption of course. Most new dvds, however, are single sided/dual layered which has a capacity of 8.5 gigs. For any dvd, the majority of that capacity is going to be used for the movie, not the extras. If the extra's only pushed the filesize a little over 4.7 gigs then they would probably have just used a single layered disk in the first place, so you can see that it will actually be fairly uncommon for you to find a dual layered dvd that will fit on a blank dvd-r/w disk just by removing the extras alone. Some dvds will have alot of extras and by removing them you will be able to fit the entire movie onto a blank disk without transcoding it. The point of my post was that to fit the average newly released dvd onto a blank dvd-r/w disk you will have to beg, borrow, and steal to get the filesize down to a manageable level. This usually means that you will either have to split the movie onto two disks or transcode it to a lower bitrate. I don't have any recommendations for burners. For media, the best deals are online. Check pricewatch.com. Buying in bulk gets you the best deals.
--------------------- Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда.
No, a DVD9 burner is doubtful if possible at all, there are a few posts in the DVD Burning forum that go into detail about why it isn't possible. I've been told the Pioneer DVR-104 burner is the best and like adam said, keep tabs on pricewatch for the cheapest media. Recompressing a movie down to fit on one DVD shouldn't give you any noticable artifacting on a normal TV set. And if you're real paranoid about artifacting you can always encode at half-D1 resolution (352x480) which would give you the same bit per pixel ratio that the original DVD9 had at the expense of vertical resolution (it's generally agreed that vertical res isn't all that crucial anyway, its horizontal that matters)
--------------------- TVP INFO - Prawie jak letterbox. Prawie robi wielką różnicę. [br]
watch for the future release of the UV-DVD which will be burnt with a 100 nm ultraviolet ray and hold 2.62 TB of 8000 x 4500 480 fps video :D
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